Monday, December 15, 2008

Bike Touring - Solvang, CA

The 6th grade math class grew to include a couple more classes; so we moved to the computer lab and gave a semi-slide show presentation of our recent adventures. Mr. Padfield's class was most attentive and their questions and interest was greatly appreciated. It was extremely enjoyable to get such inquisitive questions, many of which we have not been asked before.
Thanks for the Time and the Hospitality and a special thank-you goes out to,

and all the teachers who allowed us to share our experiences.
Also: Happy Belated 60th Birthday John!

1 comment:

  1. Bartek & Steve,

    The 6th grade students were thrilled to meet you two both at the Amgen Tour of California kickoff ride of the Stage 6 Time Trial Route this morning and also afterward at school.

    Your images of this epic adventure certainly inspired a few to attempt something similar when they are out of school. It was very inspiring to see & hear what cycling means to you both.

    They really enjoyed asking questions and especially thrilled to their favorite image - the raccoon. :-)

    Be sure to keep us in mind as you travel to San Diego, because the kids sure will! Also, be sure to stay in touch.

    Thanks for a great, spontaneous learning experience for an enthusiastic group of students. Bravo!

    John Padfield

